Monday, 27 December 2010

Always expect the unexpected.....

Oh well, just when things seem like they are on the up life will give you a good kick up the jacksey, and ensure the ever present downward slope looms. Two relatives dying between the end of November and the beginning of December has totally cancelled Christmas for us. What a way to remember what will potentially be our last UK Christmas! On the plus side, the past couple months have confirmed to me that while you have health and strength, just live life to the full. My daughter was determined that Santa would not be missing her out, even if the grim reaper has been doing the rounds and has been enjoying the Christmas. I patiently await the arrival of 2011 and all that it will potentially bring. I am hopeful that the New Year will be full of promise and deliver on it. Even though I know that things never run completely to plan, something close will be great and spot on will be a bonus. I will always expect the unexpected, but then that is what makes life so interesting. Happy New Year to you all!!!!