Friday 18 February 2011

Last Day Of School.

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Today was hard. My daughter Loretta was inconsolable at the realisation that she will not be going back to her school. Her friends have been great, making her cards and wishing her well, but this evening it all took it's toll. She cried her little eyes out and there was no stopping her. Well, I suppose this will be the first of many hard goodbyes. I have shed a few private tears myself (but don't tell my Hubby!), although this being such an emotional time, I suspect he is the same. We are currently battling to pack everything into our cases and a barrel that we will be sending over, and trust me the charity shops are going to be doing well out of us in the next couple of days. We simply have to get rid of anything that cannot fit, which mainly consist of winter clothes that we hope we will not need very much in the future. Time is drawing near and there still seems so much to do.

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